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Canopy Live Well Blog

Make Sure the Seniors in Your Life are Eating Healthy

Cascade EAP_National Nutrition Month Assisted Living Locators, your EAP eldercare resource, would like to remind you to make sure the seniors in your life are eating healthy by helping with meal planning and, when it's safe to do so, to dine together as often as possible. Eating meals together can help seniors struggling with loneliness, poor diet, and medication management. Motivating older adults to eat healthy can be a daunting challenge. Poor nutrition can lead to frailty and diminished physical ...More Info

No More Square Pegs in Round Holes: Picking the Best Treatment Option for You or a Loved One

No More Square Pegs in Round Holes Treating addiction is just like anything else when it comes to treating any disease, what works for one person doesn't work for another. Families and loved ones often get frustrated, especially when they have spent thousands of dollars, often more than once on various treatment programs, and the person in their life continues in active addiction. It's enough to want to throw up your hands, believe that the whole treatment thing is just a big money-making scam, or believe ...More Info

How to Shift your Mindset

How to Shift Your Mindset Not everyone can turn a tragic loss into a positive force in their life. But Karen Millsap did just that. She rebuilt her life by coaching other people through grief—sharing her incredible story as well as the healthy habits and tips she used to find her way back. Today, she’s a Mental Performance Coach and has expanded her focus to the workplace and beyond, with tools and tips we can all use to cultivate a healthier mindset. Let’s start with a truth ...More Info

Why You Can’t Sleep and Unique Things You Can Do to Sleep

If you are an insomniac, then chances are, you've probably heard it all in regards to what you should do if you want to fall asleep. Don't drink so much caffeine. Stop using your phone so much. Get up and do something. But sometimes, it's not enough. No matter what you do, it doesn't seem to work. You search and search for other techniques, but it's no use. Sleep is difficult, especially in today's demanding world. Why can't you sleep? If you know ...More Info

You’ve Heard about SMART Goals, but what about CLEAR Feedback?

SMART Goals-CLEAR Feedback If you've been a part of a team, you have likely heard about SMART goals. We've all heard the importance behind creating goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time–based, and perhaps even practiced setting some of your own within these parameters. SMART goals can be helpful, but they aren't the be–all end–all of goal setting. By giving the explicit advice to “make all goals achievable,” this could imply that our goals need to be supported ...More Info

How to Inspire Success and Meaning at Work

Hands in a circle As we begin the New Year, our team has been talking a lot about company goals. We’ve found value in taking pause to reassess not only our goals, tasks, and initiatives, but to closely examine the exact value that each one adds to the company. We have no more. “The truth is that organizations are run by people, and people run on emotions. Our feelings supply the energy to fuel our pursuit of profit and purpose. They are formidable and universal. They ...More Info

Wellness in the Workplace

Workplace Well-being Wellness in the workplace has been evolving for many years. Companies are actively seeking, planning, and promoting their wellness activities to attract new, and keep existing talent. Workplace wellness plans influence employees to implement their own personal wellness goals for healthier work–life balance.While interest in workplace wellness has recently peaked, the practice was documented as far back as 1879. Occupational health and safety blazed the trail, ...More Info

Tips on Building Resilience

Tips to Be Resilient Resilience is a term that you may have heard thrown around, but you may not know what exactly it is. Let’s take a look and find out, then learn some ways that you can be resilient.
What is Resilience?
Resilience in this context refers to psychological resilience. Whenever there is a crisis, someone who is resilient can bounce back from it rather quickly, and not deal with any long-term effects. You’ve ...
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Goal Setting: Do Less, Impact More

Goal Setting-Do Less, Impact More<br> As we begin the New Year, our team has been talking a lot about company goals. We've found value in taking pause to reassess not only our goals, tasks, and initiatives, but to closely examine the exact value that each one adds to the company. We have no doubt that any task, event, or choice we make could add some type of value, but we have collaboratively decided to measure our choices differently this year than we have in years past. ...More Info

Find Stillness

Things keep changing. The clock ticks, the day unfolds, trees grow, leaves turn brown, hair turns gray, children grow up and leave home, attention skitters from this to that, the cookie is delicious but then it’s all gone, you’re mad about something for awhile and then get over it, consciousness streams on and on and on. Many changes are certainly good. Most people are glad to put middle school ...
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