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EAP Navigator Flyer - Archive

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Back To School


The transition from August to September can be difficult for both children and parents. Even children who are eager to return to class must adjust to the greater levels of activity, structure, and, for some, pressures associated with school life.

Online Employee Assistance Services


Email is yet another tool for assisting employees who may not have the time or inclination to make a phone call to the EAP. In an age of packed work/life schedules and long hours, the ability to shoot off an email on a particular question or emotional issue certainly has an appeal.

October 11th - National Depression Screening Day


For most people, figuring out the line between “I’ve been moody lately” or “I get tired easily,” with “I have depression” is difficult. National Depression Screening Day (NDSD) has been helping people make that distinction for the last 15 years.

Crystal Methamphetamine Epidemic


Canopy, Inc Employee Assistance Program (EAP) supports the effort of confronting the Methamphetamine epidemic.

Beating Holiday Stress


The holidays really are the best of times and the worst of times. Our tidings of comfort and joy can so easily be devoured by the insatiable stress to do it all, be it all, and buy it all.

Tax Time


Earlier is better when it comes to working on your taxes. Taxpayers are encouraged to get a head start on tax preparation, especially since early filers avoid the last minute rush and get their refunds sooner.

National Start! Walking Day


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 is National Start! Walking Day. This program is sponsored by the American Heart Association to support the fight against the No. 1 killer in the U.S. - heart disease.

Tobacco Cessation World Quit Day


If you have tried to quit smoking, you know how hard it can be. It is hard because nicotine is a very addictive drug. For some people, it can be as addictive as heroin or cocaine.

The “B” Word - Budget


In today’s economy everyone needs a Budget. With the price of gas at $4.00 a gallon plus – and no end in sight - everyone has had to rethink everyday expenses.

The “B” Word - Budget Follow Up


In our last article we suggested that people may need to rethink how they choose to spend money in light of the economic downturn and the increase in expenses for gas and food. There are places to cut back. You may not want to cut back – but you can. In that article we asked people to email us ideas they use to cut back their spending. We had many people respond with great ideas and wanted to share them.

October 10th is National Depression Screening Day.


Canopy Employee Assistance Program has been selected as a screening site for National Depression Screening Day.

Be a Quitter


The American Cancer Society has scheduled the Great American Smokeout (GASO) for November 20, 2008, to encourage smokers to quit for a day in the hope they may quit for good.

Maintain Don’t Gain


Eating Healthy with the Season: The shorter days and colder weather tend to make us want to bundle up and treat ourselves with comfort foods which typically aren't the healthiest or lowest in calories.

Take Charge of Your Time

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Take Charge of Your Time: Time is a precious commodity
that's available to all of us in equal parts to use as we choose.

National Sleep Awareness Week -- March 1 - 8

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Asleep at the wheel? You might not realize you are drowsy.

Conquer Your Exercise Excuses

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Conquer Your Exercise Excuses: You're too busy. It's raining. You need to make dinner. You need to help your children with their homework. You just don't feel like it.

How to Set and Achieve Professional Goals

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How to Set and Achieve Professional Goals
If you want to accomplish something instead of drifting aimlessly,you have to set goals. Nowhere is this more relevant than in today's workplace...

Develop a Career Action Plan

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Develop a Career Action Plan
Change is a fact of life in the workplace. The best insurance you can have is trust in yourself, knowledge of your talents and the ability to tackle new situations with a positive attitude...

Many Options for Naming Insurance Beneficiary

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Many Options for Naming Insurance Beneficiary
After you are approved for a life insurance policy, you have a big decision: naming a beneficiary. It's not as simple as it appears to be.

Coping With The Holiday Blues

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Coping with the Holiday Blues
The holidays are a time for tradition, for going home, and for sharing food, gifts, relaxation and good times with family and friends. At least, that's how we all expect the holidays to be.
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